Corporate Social Responsibility at Cretex Companies

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at Cretex Companies

At Cretex, our values are the foundation of everything we do. While times may evolve and new challenges emerge, our unwavering commitment to accountability and making a lasting, positive impact on our community and the world remains constant.

September 16, 2024


At Cretex Companies, our CSR is built on five pillars that define who we are and guide how we operate every day: Our People, Our Culture, Our Customers, Our Environment, and Our Governance.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) reports are becoming an essential way for companies to communicate their values, achievements, and goals with various stakeholders. At Cretex Companies, our CSR is built on five pillars that define who we are and guide how we operate every day: Our People, Our Culture, Our Customers, Our Environment, and Our Governance. When you view or download our CSR report, you’ll see how our accomplishments across these pillars demonstrate our strengths and prepare us for future successes.

Our People

At Cretex, we believe that our greatest asset isn’t the tools we use, but the people who use them. We rely on each employee to take initiative, bring innovative ideas forward, and focus on delivering excellent customer and patient outcomes. We are committed to creating a positive work environment and providing meaningful opportunities for both personal and professional growth.

Our dedication to employees is reflected in:

  • Employee Experience – We prioritize creating a workplace where people thrive.
  • Personal & Professional Development – We offer training, mentorship, and career growth.
  • Internship Program – A platform for the next generation of talent to gain hands-on experience.

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Our Culture

The values set by our founding family continue to inspire our day-to-day interactions. Cretex has a culture that revolves around delivering on promises and continuously pursuing operational excellence. We are proud of our inclusive, value-driven environment, which extends to our customers and communities alike.

Our culture focuses on:

  • Cretex Culture – A shared commitment to excellence.
  • Operational Excellence (OE) – Ensuring efficiency and precision in every process.
  • Cretex Cares – Giving back to our communities through philanthropic efforts.
  • Community Engagement – Active participation in initiatives that uplift local communities.
  • Inclusion & Diversity – Promoting a diverse, welcoming workplace.
    Safety, Health & Wellness – Ensuring a safe and healthy work environment for all.

Our Customers

Delivering high-quality products and services at an equitable price is central to our 100-year success. By innovatively addressing our customers' most complex challenges, we have earned long-standing partnerships across industries.

Key aspects include:

  • Customer Experience – Creating exceptional interactions and outcomes for our customers.
  • Our Footprint – Expanding our reach while maintaining close ties to the communities we serve.

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Our Environment

Environmental stewardship is a top priority at Cretex. We recognize our responsibility as stewards of the earth’s resources and strive to incorporate sustainability into every aspect of our operations. From energy-efficient practices to resource management, we work to respect the environment while supporting our communities.

Our environmental efforts include:

  • Stewardship – Being responsible with the resources we use.
  • Sustainability – Implementing eco-friendly practices to reduce our environmental impact.

For instance, our Brooklyn Park facility hosts one of the largest solar panel arrays in Minnesota, reflecting our ongoing commitment to renewable energy.

Our Governance

Good governance is about ensuring that our business decisions are aligned with ethical standards and long-term perspectives. Our common management system leads us to make strategic investments that help support our customers’ ambitions while ensuring we operate with honesty and integrity.

We focus on:

  • Business Ethics / Code of Conduct – Upholding honesty and integrity in all our dealings.
  • Enterprise Risk Management – Proactively managing risks to ensure sustained success.
  • Cybersecurity – Protecting sensitive data and maintaining the trust of our partners and customers.

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Explore Our CSR

To learn more about how Cretex Companies integrate corporate social responsibility into everything we do, we invite you to explore our comprehensive CSR report. Click here to see how each pillar drives our ongoing commitment to ethical, environmental, and social responsibility.

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